
Holy Spirit, we invite you into our hearts.
Help us to seek unity with our brothers and sisters in Christ;
to be in full accord and of one mind.
Let all our actions be full of humility putting others first;
looking not to our own interests, but the interests of others.
Let us remember Jesus Christ, who though he was in the form of God,
humbled himself to the form of a servant and was obedient to the point of death
and let us strive to imitate his attitude of servanthood.
Let our shared love of God be the center of all we do and say and of one accord
let us confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

(Taken from Phil 2:1-11)


Please pray with the National Service Committee for the following intentions:

  1. That Catholic Charismatic Renewal will be a witness to all Christians who desire to live a life of serving one another by promoting and working for unity within the Renewal, the Catholic Church and the Body of Christ.
  2. That we recognize and reach out to all groups that have their roots in baptism in the Holy Spirit, understanding that we share the same love of God and seek to be in full accord and of one mind with one another in Christ Jesus
  3. That the planning committee for the 2015 National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference, to be held November 13-15, receive all the graces needed to plan a dynamic meeting that will encourage all who attend to be led by the Holy Spirit into one body in Christ.